Owner FAQ

We would manage the entire rental process from start to finish. It begins with our staff matching guests to your cottage and corresponding to any inquiries prior to an application being submitted. Once an application is received, it’s time to get more information!
Our staff will then take care of all payments, directions, additional information and even provide a 24/7 emergency line for guests while they are at the cottage. We are always available to deal with any queries. We are also able to offer housekeeping in certain areas at NO COST to the owner. Our housekeepers check the property to make sure it is picture perfect, before our office staff release the security deposit to the guests and send the owner their cheque! Our staff work hard so you don’t have to!

Our staff will give you the opportunity to reserve the dates that you would like to use the cottage at the beginning of the year. Once you have selected all the dates that you are intending to use, we rent out the rest. If your cottage does not receive a booking for a certain week you are also able to reserve that week (this must be close to the date, as we often receive last minute bookings). The more weeks you make available in the summer, the more profitable rentals you will receive.

There are a number of items which guests expect to be available at the cottage. In order to have satisfied vacationers, your cottage will need to be equipped with enough cooking utensils, glassware, dishes and cutlery to provide for the maximum capacity of your cottage. In addition to this you will need basic appliances such as; kettle/coffeemaker, toaster, microwave and any other useful appliances that you can make available. All beds should have mattress covers, pillows, comforters and extra blankets for the odd cold spell. There should be paper products such as toilet paper and paper towels to start the week – guests can provide their own refills. OCR also requires adequate safety supplies to be accessible within the cottage, and clearly marked. These would be things such as fire extinguishers, first aid supplies and flashlights for potential power outages.

Optional inclusions which may make your property more coveted are; water toys (canoes/kayaks/floaties), games/puzzles, television and DVD capabilities, pool tables, foosball, ping pong, volleyball equipment, etc. These items can make the difference between a good vacation and a great one.

Here at Ontario Cottage Rentals we have experienced Sales Professionals that can talk you through the process from start to finish and give you all the information you need to begin renting your cottage. Call one of our staff today on (705) 788 1807 or email Sales@ontariocottagerentals.com

Have you found that you are using the cottage less and less recently? Perhaps the kids are all grown up, or your career has become very demanding. These vacant weeks can be a potential source of revenue which can be put towards maintaining your cottage so that your family can enjoy it for years to come. Having vacationers at your cottage also allows you to discover any issues quickly and easily – as our thorough staff will contact you with any thing that arises so that permanent or severe damage can be avoided.
It is well known that cottaging in the summer is a big part of the Canadian summer pastime. You will make the most profit from renting weeks during the Summer. Our winterized cottages are also very popular amongst guests; therefor you can expect to get rentals in the off season.

At OCR we pride ourselves on our intensive screening procedures which many other organisations do not undertake. We take every measure possible to prevent partiers or destructive guests from entering your cottage. If our staff have any doubts about the guests, they will not accept the application, it isn’t worth the risk! You can rest assured that our staff are looking out for you and your cottages’ best interests!